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Thursday 17 January 2013

Bad Religion - True North

Sixteen blasts of Bad Religion doing what they do, and doing it well, is just what I needed.
The allegation of a band retreading old ground will rear its head I suppose, but I would say that Bad Religion occupy that same ground as The Cramps and The Ramones did, and Motorhead still do.
They are the exceptions to the evolutionary musical rule.
They could all stand still to an extent because there's no need to move forward, back or to the side.
They are like sharks.
Evolved to a stage that they needn't change a thing.
To put it on a very basic level then let's just ask ourselves what we think the band could add to make them better?
I can't think of one thing.
Genuinely not one note, or lyrical stance, needs to be changed.
On first listen the blood was pumping rapidly around my body as I shook my head to the beat and simultaneously nodded in agreement to the sentiments expressed, and that is exactly how it should be.
My hands are up and I'm admitting that to an extent the band are preaching to the converted here as my own political and world views are often mirrored in what the band sing about, but affirmation that you are not alone in the world with your views can be an exhilarating and comforting experience, and Bad Religion provide that rallying call to the disenfranchised with a degree of passion that many of their peers lost years ago.
It's not one that is just aimed at the youths who are kicking against the pricks either. The kids who are going through their rebel stage.
It's an inclusive message that they are pushing, and pushing hard.
The message is of course that we should question everything.
Push the envelope on what we are told and ask why something is, and then why again.
It's Einstein proclaiming 'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth' put to music.
This is cerebral punk rock that does in fact rock. Political discourse with a whoo hoo refrain.
In all seriousness it doesn't get much better than this. 
Just lend an ear to the Kerouac influenced Dharma and the Bomb for a slice of just how damn good this album is.

Follow the link on the youtube video and you can stream the whole album.  

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